07511 785691

Free Prize Draw


Reson-8 is offering two introductory training places for Mother’s Day and Father’s Day this year.

To enter either of these prize draws all you have to do is e.mail Norman (link below) giving the following information:

  1. Your name and phone number as the nominee
  2. The name and phone number or e.mail address of the parent concerned and the name of the person who will accompany them for the training session.

e.mail:  reson8nr@gmail.com

Entries for Mother’s Day must be e.mailed by 12.00noon on Friday 20th March 202.

Entries for Father’s Day must be e.mailed by 12.00noon on Friday 19th June 2020

All nominee entries will be placed anonymously in a box on the above dates, with the winning e.mail selected randomly and filmed for scrutiny.  The winning nominee will be personally notified before Mother’s Day or Father’s Day, as appropriate, by Norman Reay, who will then arrange with all concerned when the training session will take place.